Oklahoma Congressmen Honored as “Heroes of Main Street”

Cole, Lankford, Lucas and Mullin recognized by the National Retail Federation Read More >>

New Report Highlights Importance of Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Program

Study finds reimbursement program more than pays for itself Read More >>

Pharmacy Bill Shows Spirit of Cooperation


State Chamber Legislative Agenda Set

Reforms to state’s judicial, pension systems highlight goals for 2014 session Read More >>

Report Looks at Oklahoma's Funding Formula, Need for Modernization

Recommends simpler formula tying funding to the student for a fairer system Read More >>

State Chamber of Oklahoma Comments on Passage of House Bill 1841 Out of Committee


Federal Appeals Court Halts Implementation of EPA’s Water Rule

State Chamber part of lawsuit challenging federal overreach Read More >>

Bill to Address Commercial Driver's License Backlog Passes

Will help companies fill open positions easier, improve efficiency Read More >>

National Economic Development Expert Addresses Incentive Review Commission

Jay Moon says incentives are important, but have to be structured properly Read More >>

Aerospace Sector Adding Jobs in Oklahoma

Recent announcements by aerospace companies prove economic development strategies working Read More >>