Bill to Address Commercial Driver's License Backlog Passes

Bill to Address Commercial Driver's License Backlog Passes

Bill to Address Commercial Driver's License Backlog Passes

Will help companies fill open positions easier, improve efficiency

Oklahoma City (March 3, 2015) – A bill creating a pilot program for private businesses to hire their own instructors and examiners for commercial driver’s licenses (CDL) passed the state Senate today on a 38-3 vote. The measure would reduce the burden on the state’s CDL examiners while allowing companies to more quickly train and fill open positions.

“This is a great example of the private sector willing to step up and provide solutions to help the state,” said State Chamber Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Advocacy Mike Jackson. “Our members tell us that the length of time it takes to get an employee a CDL is restricting their growth, so they are willing to take on the job of instructing and testing to cut through the red tape.”

The bill requires that the Department of Public Safety (DPS) create a curriculum for examiners that will have the same standards that DPS uses for their own examiners. Companies would have to pay a fee to enter the program and examiner applicants would pay a fee as well. The bill also requires DPS to conduct background checks on examiner applicants. The pilot program would have to start by 2017. The bill now goes to the House for consideration.
