Oklahoma Congressmen Honored as “Heroes of Main Street”

Oklahoma Congressmen Honored as “Heroes of Main Street”

Oklahoma Congressmen Honored as “Heroes of Main Street”

National Retail Federation, The voice of retail LogoCole, Lankford, Lucas and Mullin recognized by the National Retail Federation

Oklahoma City (May 14, 2014) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma congratulates Congressmen Tom Cole, James Lankford, Frank Lucas and Markwayne Mullin for being named “Heroes of Main Street” by the National Retail Federation as part of National Small Business Week. The award is given for their support of small business and the U.S. retail industry, the nation’s largest private sector employer.

“The State Chamber has long been a champion of the retail industry and its important role in Oklahoma’s economy,” said Mike Seney, State Chamber Senior Vice President of Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning. “Supporting policies that lead to prosperity on Main Street is key to ensuring a healthy and vibrant retail sector all over the state.”

The awards will be presented later this summer. Award eligibility was based on key votes, bill sponsorship and advocacy on a wide array of retail priorities including but not limited to patent reform, sales tax fairness, the federal minimum wage and reforming the Affordable Care Act.
