Aerospace Sector Adding Jobs in Oklahoma

Aerospace Sector Adding Jobs in Oklahoma

Aerospace Sector Adding Jobs in Oklahoma

Recent announcements by aerospace companies prove economic development strategies working

Oklahoma City (October 16, 2014) – The past few weeks have seen two State Chamber of Oklahoma members announce the addition of hundreds of new jobs to the state in the aerospace industry. Boeing will bring 900 defense and support jobs to Oklahoma City over the next two years while NORDAM will add 300 jobs to its operations in Tulsa to produce engines for the next generation of Gulfstream aircraft.

“These high-paying jobs in a technology-driven sector show the importance of having a competitive economic development strategy in the state,” said State Chamber of Oklahoma President and CEO Fred Morgan. “Governor Fallin and the legislature recognize that aerospace and defense is one of the key business ecosystems in the state that should be a focus of economic policy and now we are seeing the rewards.”

According to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the state has more than 500 aerospace and defense companies employing 120-thousand workers. These companies represent more than six percent of the state’s economy.

“Companies like Boeing and NORDAM are investing in our state because they see that we are investing in creating a healthy environment for business,” said State Chamber Vice President of Government Affairs Arnella Karges. “We hope lawmakers will continue to make needed investments in education, infrastructure and economic development which will continue Oklahoma’s economic momentum moving forward.”
