An agenda for economic growth

Last year was marked by divisiveness and lack of progress on a number of key issues affecting our state. For too long, Oklahoma has been at an impasse, paralyzed by hyper-partisan rhetoric and in-fighting. Read More >>

State Chamber of Oklahoma Releases OK2030 Plan

The State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation today released the OK2030 strategic vision plan to dramatically improve our state’s rankings and prospects. Read More >>

OK2030: A Plan for Oklahoma’s Future

If Oklahoma wants to be competitive economically, we must raise our collective expectations. The newly released OK2030 plan contains 35 key policy recommendations for building a thriving state. Read More >>

Prepping the Workforce, Part II

In Oklahoma, we are fortunate to have the backing of our state’s public universities in the quest for national recognition and development of a competitive workforce. Read More >>

Preparing the 21st century workforce

One of the principal reasons for public education is to provide young people with the knowledge and skills to build a successful career. Closer dialogue between business and education is needed to help students develop the skills needed. Read More >>

A 21st-century tax system – Part II

Our basic tax code, despite numerous amendments and revisions, was established almost 100 years ago. The world has dramatically changed since our code was enacted.  Read More >>

Building a 21st-century government – Part I

It is abundantly clear that both business and government leaders believe it’s time for a serious discussion about fundamental changes to our governmental structures to better meet the needs of the 21st century.  Read More >>

When Government Is Good

The entrenched bureaucracy of a government can slow processes down and diminish efficiencies. There has long been a push to have government emulate private sector business practices to increase productivity, innovation and return on investment. The business community supports and applauds these efforts. Certain sectors of government are becoming more efficient, and we must expand these initiatives to save taxpayer dollars. Read More >>

Clearing the air on cigarette tax

The headlines from this legislative session are hard to miss. Oklahoma is facing another budget shortfall – $878 million to be exact. While ideas are being floated on how to remedy this problem, we are faced with a stark reality: Our state can’t continue to operate without money. Read More >>

Expanding opportunity

When you think of Oklahoma, many people think of oil and natural gas. And with good reason – Oklahoma is a product of the oil boom and titans of the industry call our state home. Read More >>