Building a 21st-century government – Part I

Building a 21st-century government – Part I

The State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation launched a new initiative in January, OK2030, to create a strategic plan with the goal of moving our state forward in key economic indicators. The statewide planning process includes in-depth interviews with business and political leaders, as well as regional forums this fall. While this endeavor is ongoing, one of the emerging questions is whether the current government and regulatory model serves our state’s long-term interests in making government efficient, accountable and capable of advancing our common interests.

It is abundantly clear from the results thus far that both business and government leaders believe it’s time for a serious discussion about fundamental changes to our governmental structures to better meet the needs of the 21st century. While our demography, economy and society have seen dramatic changes, most of our current governing institutions date back more than 100 years.

Therefore, it is both appropriate and necessary that we have a serious discussion about the changes required. Some important questions need to be addressed. For instance, if we want strong executive leadership and accountability, should we expand the powers of the governor? Do we need to conduct expensive statewide elections for officers of state agencies or should they be appointed by the governor? Should the governor and lieutenant governor run as a team? Do we need myriad virtually anonymous boards and commissions? With the enormous demographic changes in our state over the last century, is it time to determine whether our city and county government structures need modification? Do our cumbersome regulatory bodies best serve the needs of a competitive, fast-paced economy? In light of the revolutionary shift in online sales, is the current tax system fair, equitable, efficient and sufficient to fund local and state government? Are term limits on elected officials beneficial or harmful to effective governing? Are significant changes to our education systems needed to make the best use of limited tax dollars and improve outcomes?

These questions are meant to spark a serious dialogue – any plan seeking to improve our state must ask the hard questions. They are necessary and critical if we want to ensure a bright future for all Oklahomans. The discussion is just beginning and we need your input. If you want to be involved or have ideas and opinions, feel free to share at

Column by Fred Morgan, President and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma, printed in The Journal Record on July 14, 2017