Time to modernize the judicial selection process

Judicial district maps were drawn in 1967, but considerable shifts in population since then mean it's time to reexamine the process to ensure the best qualified candidates. Read More >>

Keep workers' compensation working for Oklahoma

Since the 2013 reforms to the workers’ compensation system, Oklahoma businesses have saved close to $330 million. Where we previously had the sixth-highest cost of insurance premiums in the entire United States, we are now ranked at 24th. But these successful reforms are now at risk. Read More >>

New Governor, New Goals

With a new year comes not only a new legislative session, but in the case of 2019, a new governor. As we welcome Kevin Stitt to his new role, the business community looks forward to working hand-in-hand with the new administration to pass vital reforms to ensure our state’s longevity. Read More >>

Chamber Blue expands health care access

Access to affordable health care for employees and their families is one of small businesses’ most pressing needs. Beginning Jan. 1, the State Chamber's Oklahoma Chamber Blue program will offer affordable group health insurance options through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma. Read More >>

Prioritizing Accountability

More than 30 states have some version of an agency accountability office and as Oklahoma strives for a more efficient government, this concept is worthy of serious consideration. Read More >>

A Brighter Future for Oklahoma

We ask for your vote on the last three state questions as we seek a better government with greater stability and a brighter future for Oklahoma. Read More >>

Welcome to the Age of Agility

Technology changed the way we all interact. The school-to-work pipeline needs to be redefined, and the business community must lead the effort. Read More >>

Greater flexibility for funding education

If passed on the November ballot, State Question 801 would give local school districts greater flexibility to use existing property tax revenue for operational needs and expenses, including teacher pay and textbooks. Read More >>

Government accountability a must

While members of the Legislature should ensure tax revenue is used properly and efficiently, their power is limited. It becomes the responsibility of agency executives to maximize the value of the tax dollars entrusted to them. Read More >>

A reason for optimism

We often overlook the good and focus on the bad. However, the unheralded leadership Oklahoma has exhibited in pension reform is truly remarkable. Read More >>