SQ 788 means more risks, fewer rights for employers

The poorly written language in SQ 788 — and the resulting risks to Oklahoma citizens and employers under this particular state question — is deeply concerning to the State Chamber and many others in the business community. Read More >>

Reforms take hold, state gains ground

Amid the chaos of the last legislative session, many people may have overlooked the meaningful changes and reforms that were accomplished in the last days before the Legislature adjourned. Read More >>

Direct appointments, direct accountability

Structural change is needed to prevent another agency financial scandal and restore people's faith in our state government. Read More >>

Half-baked language on State Question 788

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of medical marijuana, it’s crucial to understand all the details and ramifications of SQ 788 before voting. Read More >>

Aligning elections to improve voter turnout

Simple adjustments to the timing and alignment of Oklahoma's elections can significantly improve voter turnout. Read More >>

Connecting Higher Education and Business

Ever-evolving workforce needs and years of cuts to our state’s higher education funding mean mutually beneficial relationships between the business community and higher education are more important that ever. Read More >>

State Chamber of Oklahoma CEO Comments on SB 1086

The State Chamber of Oklahoma President and CEO, Fred Morgan, released the following statement concerning SB 108. Read More >>

Smart reforms to unshackle Oklahoma


Without Reform, It’s the Same Story

Government reforms are key to Oklahoma not repeating the same problems, year after year. Read More >>

Manufacturing: Keeping Oklahoma in the game

Just as scholarships are a powerful recruitment tool for universities, the manufacturing sales tax exemption is a recruitment tool for attracting jobs and investment. Read More >>