State Chamber Welcomes New Board Members

Members include Fortune 500 companies, manufacturers and higher education Read More >>

Krieger: Joining voices

Bradley W. Krieger is incoming chairman of the State Chamber board of directors. Read More >>

State Chamber Holds Largest Annual Meeting Ever

Event includes awards, new Board chairman and New York Times Best-Selling Author Ori Brafman Read More >>

State Chamber Endorses Chip Carter for State House

State Chamber President & CEO says Carter has “proven track record of serving the people around him” Read More >>

Report Looks at Oklahoma's Funding Formula, Need for Modernization

Recommends simpler formula tying funding to the student for a fairer system Read More >>

Morgan: Of deficits and drought

This article was posted in The Journal Record as part of Fred Morgan's monthly opinion editorial. Read More >>

Some Bright Spots in Session Overshadowed by Budget Issues


Oklahoma’s Energy Leadership Protected by SB 809

Bill protecting drilling practices in Oklahoma addresses municipal concerns and industry needs Read More >>

Oklahoma’s Energy Leadership Protected by SB 809

Bill protecting drilling practices in Oklahoma addresses municipal concerns and industry needs Read More >>

Third Grade Reading Scores Should Spur Reform

Nearly one in three 3rd graders reading below grade level Read More >>