Oklahoma’s Energy Leadership Protected by SB 809

Oklahoma’s Energy Leadership Protected by SB 809

Oklahoma’s Energy Leadership Protected by SB 809

Arnella Karges photoBill protecting drilling practices in Oklahoma addresses municipal concerns and industry needs

Oklahoma City (May 21, 2015) – A bill which ensures that a patchwork of local ordinances doesn’t hinder oil and gas drilling activity in the state is headed to Governor Fallin for her signature. Senate Bill 809 by Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman and House Speaker Jeff Hickman puts the Oklahoma Corporation Commission in charge of most drilling regulations while allowing municipalities to establish reasonable setbacks provided they don’t effectively prohibit drilling operations.

“We’ve seen what happens when a city like Denton, Texas, sends the wrong message to a vital industry by enacting ordinances banning certain activities within city limits,” said State Chamber Vice President of Government Affairs Arnella Karges. “This bill protects Oklahoma’s leadership role in the energy sector while providing necessary public safety protections at the local level.”

The provisions of SB 809 include protection of Oklahoma’s participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. The State Chamber commends President Pro Tem Bingman and Speaker Hickman for bringing both sides together and finding a solution that meets everyone’s needs. We look forward to Governor Fallin signing the bill into law to provide guidance to municipalities who may be considering updates to their ordinances.
