State Chamber Endorses Pugh for State Senate

State Chamber President & CEO says Lawson is “dynamic leader” and will “create opportunities for all Oklahoma families and businesses” Read More >>

Workers Comp Reform Lowers Loss Cost Again


Restoring Funding to Competitive Grant Pool a Must for Education

Opinion Editorial by Jennifer Lepard, VP of Government Affairs at the State Chamber of Oklahoma, printed in the Tulsa World on September 8, 2016 Read More >>

Your voice in Washington

Column by Fred Morgan, President and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma, printed in The Journal Record on August 12, 2016 Read More >>

State Chamber Endorses Paxton for State Senate

State Chamber President & CEO says Paxton has a “proven record of serving his neighbors and community” that will “stay true to our bedrock principles to find common-sense conservative solutions” Read More >>

Setting a precedent

Column by Fred Morgan, President and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma, printed in The Journal Record on July 15, 2016 Read More >>

State Chamber Holds Annual Meeting, Inaugurates New Board Chairman

Event includes Champion of Free Enterprise Awards and best-selling author Kelly McDonald Read More >>

Having a seat at the table

This column by Fred Morgan, President and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma, was printed in The Journal Record on June 10, 2016 Read More >>

Student Testing Bill Headed to Governor

Bill makes testing relevant, scores comparable to students in other states Read More >>

Finally, a Level Playing Field for Oklahoma Retailers!

Bill modernizes sales tax code, treats all retailers the same Read More >>