Search Results for "press_release"


... For the latest schedule and registration information for webinars & town halls, visit our Events page.REOPENING & RECOVERY EFFORTSWEBINAR: State Economic OutlookWEBINAR: Property Values and Real Estate Trends During the PandemicWEBINAR: U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Latest Developments on COVID Phase IV LegislationWEBINAR: Cybersecurity Considerations for Businesses During the PandemicClick here to view the presentation slides.WEBINAR: The Future of WorkClick here to view the presentation slides.U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Ready to Reopen, a Playbook for Your Small BusinessU.S. Chamber of Commerce: Reopening Buisness Digital Resources CenterOklahoma Department of C...

Bridging the Gap

Oklahoma is making great strides in reducing the number of structurally deficient bridges, but we need to keep investing in infrastructure and protect CIRB funding.