
Monitor and analyze all legislation and proposed regulations that impact Oklahoma's transportation system and make certain that the state's transportation system infrastructure is capable of moving people and products efficiently. 

2020 Legislative Initiatives

  • Preserve Oklahoma's state highway funding and protect the Eight-Year Construction Work Plan by returning the statutory allocation of all motor fuel taxes that are being diverted to the general fund as a primary input into the safety and wellbeing of our citizens and the growth and sustainability of the state's economy
  • Support all modes of transportation including transit and passenger rail service, and emerging technologies to meet the needs of the traveling public and the demand of our growing economy
  • Support efforts to expedite the construction and operation of appropriate ports of entry and weigh stations to ensure the public's safety and protect our state's investment in infrastructure
  • Support efforts to minimize the impact of regulatory requirements that increase transportation project costs, stifle productivity, and delay delivery of critical infrastructure improvements
  • Support implementation of the state’s Bridge Improvement Plan to repair or replace Oklahoma’s structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges on the state’s highway system by 2020 and the continued improvement of Oklahoma’s nationally leading bridge improvement programs 
  • Support initiatives that direct all transportation user fees to be used exclusively for transportation purposes, like fully funding the gas tax estimate certified by the Board of Equalization and support the Driving Forward Program and other efforts to modernize Oklahoma’s turnpike system
  • Preserve Oklahoma’s Five-Year CIRB plan and restore funding that is essential for counties to continue to address bridge and highway infrastructure needs
  • Preserve and protect Oklahoma’s airport funding and protect the Three-Year Airport Capital Improvement Program
  • Support ongoing efforts to bring Oklahoma into compliance with the federal REAL ID Act
  • Preserve and protect current eminent domain laws as described in the Landowner’s Bill of Rights
  • Support the implementation and full funding of Federal Surface Transportation Programs, including measures to permanently and adequately fund the Highway Trust Fund, Mass Transit Account, federal capital improvement programs and a continued effort to enhance the legislation to streamline and improve project and program delivery
  • Support the elimination of the backlog of infrastructure maintenance on the McClellan-Kerr system and the completion of the channel to a depth of twelve feet
  • Support efforts to protect and increase federal tribal transportation funding
  • Support efforts to improve the sustainability of Oklahoma’s water and wastewater systems
  • Support efforts to protect and increase funding opportunities for water infrastructure projects
  • Support access to local aggregate sources, ensuring the best possible price/value equation for materials required for infrastructure construction. 
  • Support an equitable funding solution for electric vehicles that do not currently pay for road and bridge maintenance
  • Support addressing long-term funding of transportation infrastructure through researching and developing sustainable funding alternatives
  • Support transparency accountability and efficiency in state contracts by ensuring that contracts are awarded based on criteria related to the performance of contracts.



Issue Brief: Infrastructure in Oklahoma
2016 Accountability for a Competitive Economy (ACE) Book


JOIN Committee

Staff Contact:

Emily Crouch
Emily Crouch

Email Emily

Committee Chair:
J. Michael Patterson
Vice President, DOT National Practice Consultant