State Chamber of Oklahoma Signs Letter of Support for Lankford Bill

State Chamber of Oklahoma Signs Letter of Support for Lankford Bill

Legislation aims to remove unnecessary federal burdens for small businesses.

The State Chamber of Oklahoma has signed a letter of support for Senate Bill 584, or the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act. The letter, created by the National Association of Manufacturers, details the costly regulatory burdens small businesses face each year.

“Small businesses are responsible for nearly two-thirds of the job growth in America, so it is important that Washington fully analyzes regulatory impacts on small businesses before a rule is finalized,” said Senator Lankford. “This bill is desperately needed because federal agencies frequently use loopholes in the process to avoid the full economic analysis of a proposed regulation on small businesses. The Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act will ensure that the needs and priorities of small business are fully taken into account early in the rulemaking process.”

America’s 28.8 million small businesses employed 57 million workers in 2013, almost half of all private sector employees, per the U.S. Census Bureau.

“The State Chamber supports Senator Lankford’s bill because small businesses are the backbone of our nation’s economy,” said Mike Seney, Senior Vice President of Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning. “Undue federal regulations stifle growth and inhibit hard-working Americans from expanding their businesses. We applaud Senator Lankford for being proactive on this issue and fighting for Oklahoma businesses in Washington.”

In addition to the State Chamber, more than 140 other entities have signed the letter supporting the legislation.