Study Shows Manufacturing Helping State Economy to Grow

Study Shows Manufacturing Helping State Economy to Grow

Study Shows Manufacturing Helping State Economy to Grow

Economic impact of manufacturing in the state expected to be over $60-billion annually

2014 Economic Impact of the OK Manufacturing Sector Cover PhotoOklahoma City (October 3, 2014) – To mark the occasion of National Manufacturing Day, the State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation commissioned a study of the state’s manufacturing industry. The study by Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s Center for Economic and Business Development states that over the next 20 years, the average annual impact of manufacturing in the state will include a labor force of nearly 300,000 and $60-billion towards the gross state product.

“This study is further proof that Oklahoma’s continued economic success includes a vibrant manufacturing base,” said State Chamber Senior Vice President of Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning Mike Seney. “The future for manufacturing in Oklahoma is bright, but does require a skilled workforce that can meet the needs of this expansion.”

The report finds there are over four thousand manufacturing companies in the state which employ nearly 150-thousand people directly. The report breaks down the numbers by region and gives estimates for the impact of the manufacturing sector for the next 20-years.
A PDF of the report can be downloaded by clicking here.
