State Chamber Statement on Supreme Court Overreach

State Chamber Statement on Supreme Court Overreach

State Chamber Statement on Supreme Court Overreach


State Chamber Senior Vice President of Government Affairs expresses concern over ruling overturning Oklahoma Option

Oklahoma City (September 13, 2016) – State Chamber of Oklahoma’s Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Jonathan Buxton, issued the following statement regarding today’s Supreme Court decision in Vasquez v. Dillard’s. The decision held unconstitutional the Oklahoma Employee Injury Benefit Act portion of the historic workers’ compensation reforms of 2013.  

“Once again the Oklahoma Supreme Court has shown disdain for the legislative process by legislating from the bench. Today’s ruling that the Oklahoma Option is unconstitutional “special law” shows a lack of understanding of the reason for that article in the constitution — and a willingness to use that provision as a “hammer” to pound any legislative “nail” it doesn’t like. The workers’ compensation reforms of 2013 incorporated competition into the workers’ compensation market and the Oklahoma Option was a valuable component. Justice Winchester and Taylor’s dissent is correct that the court pays lip service to the idea of judicial restraint and then dismisses their own standards in today’s ruling. The court should practice judicial restraint or run for the legislature if they want to write laws.”