State Chamber President Speaks to Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce About OK2030 Statewide Plan

State Chamber President Speaks to Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce About OK2030 Statewide Plan

Oklahoma City (September 20, 2017) – State Chamber of Oklahoma President and CEO, Fred Morgan, spoke Wednesday to the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce about the OK2030 initiative. With over 90 people in attendance, Morgan stressed the need for bold leadership and vision when it comes to the future of Oklahoma. Pioneer, the main sponsor for the event, is also a supporter of the OK2030 plan.

“From Pioneer Telephone’s perspective, we are very proud to be an active State Chamber member and a sponsor for the OK2030 initiative,” said Pioneer General Manager, Richard Ruhl. “The plan aides in the effort to move Oklahoma forward and strengthen our ability to grow our economy, our workforce and our quality of life for Northwest Oklahoma and Kingfisher County in particular.”

Representative Mike Sanders, from Kingfisher, was also in attendance.

“I, along with the people of Oklahoma, appreciate the State Chamber’s vision on the OK2030 plan,” said Representative Sanders. “I look forward to helping implement the ideas at the capitol to help propel Oklahoma into the future.”

To learn more about OK2030 or to share your ideas, visit