State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation Releases Health Care Study

State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation Releases Health Care Study

State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation Releases Health Care Study


Oklahoma City (February 2, 2017) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation released a health care study today entitled The Economic, Fiscal and Employment Effects of Health Care Modernization in Oklahoma.

The report, which was authored by Regional Economic Models, Inc. and the George Washington University, depicts three illustrative scenarios for a plan to increase affordable private health insurance options for Oklahomans and examines the potential economic, employment and budgetary effects of each initiative. 

“As shown in the report, Oklahoma could significantly boost our economy and decrease the unfunded mandate on the health care industry that is uncompensated care by directing federal funds to private insurance plans for low-income, uninsured Oklahomans,” said Executive Director of the State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation, Dr. Jennifer Lepard. “This is important research for our state and our nation as we debate the future of health care policy in the United States.”  

Out of the three hypothetical scenarios studied, each would generate fiscal benefit and promote economic growth, both statewide and in each of the six sub-state regions. In addition, each initiative would allow some patients, now being served under existing Medicaid eligibility categories or by other state health programs, to be served instead by a new private insurance program.

The report found these potential reforms could help lower the number of uninsured Oklahomans, while boosting employment and business activity across the state. In addition, it would permit the development of new health delivery options to modernize Oklahoma’s health care system and improve Oklahomans’ overall health. 

For a copy of the report please visit