State Chamber of Oklahoma statement on House Bill 2632

State Chamber of Oklahoma statement on House Bill 2632

Oklahoma City (May 21, 2019) – After Gov. Kevin Stitt signed into law House Bill 2632, Fred Morgan, president and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma, released the following statement:

“House Bill 2632 was supposed to be a compromise that would keep prescription prices low for employees and allow employers to manage health care costs. Unfortunately, what was signed into law today fails on both sides.”

“Now that House Bill 2632 is law in Oklahoma, we can likely expect two things to happen: First, we will see prescription drug costs increase for Oklahoma families. Second, we’ve opened Oklahoma up to avoidable court cases on the legality of House Bill 2632. Similar legislation in other states has been struck down by federal law.”

“The State Chamber of Oklahoma will continue to defend the business community’s ability to provide affordable health care benefits by promoting policies that reduce the cost of health care for Oklahoma employers and the hard-working Oklahomans they employ.”