State Chamber of Oklahoma President Comments on HB1099X and Gross Production Tax

State Chamber of Oklahoma President Comments on HB1099X and Gross Production Tax

Oklahoma City (September 26, 2017) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma President and CEO, Fred Morgan, released the following statement after HB1099X passed out of Senate JCAB:

“Passing the cigarette tax is the right move for Oklahoma. The majority of citizens support the measure, and it will provide crucial funding that our state desperately needs.”

“However, we remain opposed to targeting specific industries, a strategy that can harm capital investment and job growth in our state. The oil & natural gas industry is already struggling from low energy prices, so it’s concerning that some legislators want to raise the gross production tax (GPT) right now. Increasing the gross production tax at this time could do lasting damage to one of Oklahoma’s cornerstone industries and potentially drive energy companies out of state.”

“We encourage the Legislature to quickly come to a budget agreement and do what is best for the citizens of Oklahoma.”