State Chamber of Oklahoma Presents Representative Steve Russell with U.S. Chamber Award

State Chamber of Oklahoma Presents Representative Steve Russell with U.S. Chamber Award

Oklahoma City (October 31, 2018) – Yesterday, State Chamber of Oklahoma Executive Vice President of Government and Political Affairs Mike Jackson presented Representative Steve Russell with the U.S. Chamber Spirit of Free Enterprise Award. The award is given in recognition of U.S. Representative Russell’s support for pro-growth and pro-business policies. “We were honored to be able to present Representative Russell with the Spirit of Free Enterprise Award on behalf of the U.S. Chamber,” said Jackson. “Steve is on the frontlines for Oklahoma businesses as we continue to support existing industries while looking to diversify our economy. He is an advocate for job creation and economic growth at the state and federal levels. If anyone embodies this award, it is Steve.” The Spirit of Free Enterprise Award is given annually to members of Congress based on their votes on critical business legislation as outlined in the U.S. Chamber’s “How They Voted” scorecard. To view Representative Russell’s scorecard, click here.