State Chamber of Oklahoma Endorses Osburn for State House

State Chamber of Oklahoma Endorses Osburn for State House

State Chamber President & CEO says Osburn is “a champion for bipartisan reforms” with “the credibility and courage to lead” in the State House

Oklahoma City (June 15, 2018) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma announced its endorsement of Mike Osburn in the Republican primary for Oklahoma’s State House District 81 today. He faces two other Republicans in the June 26 primary election, and the winner will face a Democrat and a Libertarian in the general election.

“Mike Osburn understands the need to reform Oklahoma government and budgeting process to provide transparency and accountability to taxpayers. Mike has been a champion for bipartisan reforms that will improve Oklahoma’s economy, education system and government structure,” said Fred Morgan, president and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma. “The people of House District 81 deserve a common-sense representative they can trust to represent their values and get results at the Capitol, and Mike Osburn is that voice at the Capitol.”

This year, Mike Osburn authored a law to review Oklahoma’s occupational licensing requirements to make sure that these requirements are enabling Oklahomans to make a living and have a career while keeping the public safe. This legislation was a key component of the State Chamber’s OK2030 vision plan to improve how Oklahoma government functions, budgets money and delivers services to citizens.

Morgan continued, “As a father and husband, Mike Osburn knows providing our children with a quality education is the cornerstone of strong communities, economic development and a brighter future for our state. Now more than ever, Oklahoma needs voices with the credibility and courage to lead on the difficult issues we face, and Mike Osburn is the clear choice. His proven track record shows he isn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves and get to work.”

After graduating from Oklahoma Christian University in 1993, Mike worked for former governor Frank Keating as deputy chief of staff. He went on to work for U.S. Senator Don Nickels and Americans for Prosperity before starting his own business. Mike and his wife Holly, a business professor at the University of Central Oklahoma, have been married 18 years and have three children that attend Edmond Public Schools. The Osburns are active in their church, The Springs Church of Christ.