State Chamber of Oklahoma Announces Support for Step Up Oklahoma

State Chamber of Oklahoma Announces Support for Step Up Oklahoma

Oklahoma City (February 2, 2018) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma has announced its support for the Step Up Oklahoma plan after a board of directors vote on Friday. The plan includes measures to shore up our state’s budget hole, provide a teacher pay raise and implement much-needed reforms to our state government.

“We are excited to join the Step Up movement,” said State Chamber President and CEO, Fred Morgan. “Until we resolve long-standing issues like teacher pay, the budget shortfall and funding for health care and other core government services, Oklahoma will remain in a state of gridlock. We must come together to solve our state’s crisis.”

“The State Chamber Research Foundation called for many of these same reforms through our OK2030 vision plan released in December 2017,” said Executive Director, Dr. Jennifer Lepard. “We’re pleased to see many of our policy reform recommendations included in the Step Up plan and look forward to working with the group to ensure these important reforms are implemented.”

“It’s time for our state to come together around a workable solution,” said State Chamber Board Chairman Sean Trauschke. “The Step Up Oklahoma plan will allow our state to refocus its energies on growing our economy and providing the quality of life, health and education that Oklahomans deserve.”