State Chamber Launches OK Job Killers Website

State Chamber Launches OK Job Killers Website

State Chamber Launches OK Job Killers Website


Oklahoma City (March 1, 2017) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma has launched their annual website “OK Job Killers” for legislative session. The site,, provides a list of proposed bills that are bad for businesses.

“Jobs are one of the primary concerns of Oklahoma families. They care if their job or business is on the chopping block at the Capitol,” said Jonathan Buxton, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs. “Many people don’t have the time to keep up with the large number of bills going through the legislative process, so compiles some of the bills that would be most harmful to businesses.”

The site highlights legislation that would potentially raise taxes to businesses, impose costly mandates, expand government red tape and roll back successful programs or reforms. It also explains what a “job killer” bill looks like and how citizens can take action to notify their legislators. Click here to learn more.