State Chamber Disappointed with Common Core Repeal Vote

State Chamber Disappointed with Common Core Repeal Vote

State Chamber Disappointed with Common Core Repeal Vote

New standards should consider the concerns of businesses

Oklahoma City (March 24, 2014) – The passage of House Bill 3399 in the Senate Education Committee today is an unfortunate step back for rigorous education standards in Oklahoma. The State Chamber has championed Common Core State Standards because of the need job creators have for educated workers in today’s high-tech, globally competitive marketplace.

There are also concerns about possible unintended consequences of House Bill 3399 passing, including the loss of the federal No Child Left Behind waiver. There is no guarantee that Oklahoma would get another waiver and without it, the federal government could actually have more control over Oklahoma schools by directing how some Title I funds have to be spent.

“There is no doubt that staying the course with Common Core would be better for Oklahoma’s students, teachers, schools and businesses,” said State Chamber Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Gwendolyn Caldwell. “The business community will continue to work for an education system that ensures high school graduates are ready for college or a career. So we hope the business community has a seat at the table when the new standards are developed to ensure Oklahoma has an educated workforce leading the state to continued economic growth.”
