State Chamber Board Member Named to Education Advisory Panel

State Chamber Board Member Named to Education Advisory Panel

State Chamber Board Member Named to Education Advisory Panel

Renee Porter PhotoAdvancia Corp. President & CEO Renee Porter selected by Governor as small business representative

Oklahoma City (May 15, 2014) – A member of the State Chamber of Oklahoma Board of Directors took her seat on the Oklahoma Commission for Education Quality and Accountability this week. Renee Porter, President and CEO of Advancia Corp., was appointed to the Commission by Governor Mary Fallin as a representative of an Oklahoma business with fewer than 500 employees.

“Renee has shown a deep passion for improving education in Oklahoma,” said Fred Morgan, President and CEO of the State Chamber. “She is committed to preparing students for the workforce of tomorrow and will be an excellent voice for business on this Commission dedicated to improving the quality of our educational system.”

Porter, who lives in Norman, was appointed last month by Governor Fallin to serve the remainder of a term on the Commission which expires at the end of June. Her appointment was confirmed by the Senate this week.
