Senate Passes Expansion of Small Employer Quality Jobs

Senate Passes Expansion of Small Employer Quality Jobs

Senate Passes Expansion of Small Employer Quality Jobs

House Bill 2956 brings important program statewide

Oklahoma City (April 15, 2014) – State Chamber Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Gwendolyn Caldwell made the following statement after the State Senate unanimously passed HB 2956 which eliminates the county population requirement for a small business to qualify for the Small Employer Quality Jobs program:
“At the State Chamber, three-quarters of our members are small businesses, so we know how important they are to the state’s economy. Expanding the Small Employer Quality Jobs program, which has already been proven successful, to the whole state will make it more likely for small businesses to start up and expand. I’d like to thank Senator Ron Sharp and Representative Josh Cockroft for their work in getting this bill through the process.”