Retail Protection Act Passes to Level Playing Field for Sales Taxes

Retail Protection Act Passes to Level Playing Field for Sales Taxes

Retail Protection Act Passes to Level Playing Field for Sales Taxes


Bill modernizes tax code, treats all retailers the same

Oklahoma City (April 21, 2016) – A bill that removes a disincentive to shop locally received Senate approval today, placing it one step away from heading to the governor for her signature. House Bill 2531 closes a loophole in Oklahoma’s sales tax law so that Oklahoma retailers and those online are treated the same.


“Retailers all over the state face the same problem: a tax code that hasn’t kept up with technology giving online retailers an advantage,” said State Chamber Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Jonathan Buxton. “Our members have long sought to play on a level playing field with their out-of-state competitors who don’t have to charge sales tax.”

Governor Fallin made modernization of the tax code part of her State of the State address this year and it is also one of the priorities of the nearly 40 local chambers who are part of the Chamber Action Network. HB 2531 passed the Senate on a bipartisan 31-12 vote and now goes back to the House for consideration of Senate amendments. The State Chamber thanks Rep. Chad Caldwell (R-Enid) and Sen. John Ford (R-Bartlesville) for carrying this bill through the process and legislative leaders for allowing the bill to be heard.