Railroad Crossing Improvements Address Safety Concerns

Railroad Crossing Improvements Address Safety Concerns

Railroad Crossing Improvements Address Safety Concerns

Governor Fallin, ODOT to be commended for addressing transportation needs

Oklahoma City (August 26, 2014) – Today’s announcement that the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) will be addressing a backlog of railroad crossing improvements around the state is welcome news to the business community. The plan will address more than 300 crossings in the state with an infrastructure investment of $100-million.

“For many years, Oklahoma faced a mountain of deficient bridges and dangerous rail crossings,” said State Chamber of Oklahoma President and CEO Fred Morgan. “Governor Fallin and Department of Transportation officials are to be commended for their work in addressing both of these areas to the benefit of all Oklahomans.”

Officials say the investment will equal 12-years’ worth of railroad crossing improvements, significantly addressing the backlog in the state.
“This will be a shot in the arm for communities all over Oklahoma,” said State Chamber Vice President of Strategic Partners Mike Jackson. “Having the proper safety and warning improvements will make Oklahomans safer and allow commerce to run more smoothly in the state.”
