Product Liability Reform Bill Signed Into Law

Product Liability Reform Bill Signed Into Law

Product Liability Reform Bill Signed Into Law

Provides protection for manufacturers and innocent sellers

Oklahoma City (May 2, 2014) – The State Chamber would like to thank Governor Mary Fallin for signing an important product liability bill into law today. House Bill 3365 by Representative Jon Echols and Senator Kyle Loveless gives a rebuttable presumption against liability when a product is manufactured to meet mandated federal laws or regulations. It also protects innocent sellers of products from liability if they are simply selling a product manufactured by someone else.

“A manufacturer who complies with federal safety standards has already defended its safety to the federal government,” said State Chamber Senior Vice President of Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning Mike Seney. “Manufacturers should not have to waste their time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees defending their products. This will protect small businesses, save jobs, conserve judicial resources and allow plaintiffs to turn to truly culpable wrongdoers for relief for their injuries.”

House Bill 3365 is a result of State Chamber members raising important concerns about our current legal system and working with the legislative authors to bring common sense to Oklahoma’s liability laws.
