Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Economic Development Incentives

Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Economic Development Incentives

Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Economic Development Incentives

Fred Morgan, President and CEOSeven in ten Oklahomans support incentives, support crosses all party lines and congressional districts

Oklahoma City (January 14, 2015) –  A poll conducted last month finds more than 70-percent of Oklahomans support tax incentives that create new investment or new jobs. The SoonerPoll results show that the support crosses all party lines and is consistent in all five congressional districts.

“The results are clear: Oklahomans support economic development incentives,” said State Chamber of Oklahoma President & CEO Fred Morgan. “This isn’t a partisan issue, it’s a jobs issue and Oklahomans overwhelmingly support policies that create jobs.”

The poll of more than 400 Oklahomans between December 8th and 19th shows 70.5% either strongly support or somewhat support the use of tax incentives that create new investment in Oklahoma. When asked about tax incentives that create jobs in Oklahoma, the margin strongly or somewhat supporting jumps to 76.9%. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 4.88%.

“This is a significant poll with unambiguous results,” said Bill Shapard, founder of SoonerPoll. “When you see poll results like this, there can be no doubt about where Oklahomans stand on an issue.”

The fact that Oklahomans support tax incentives that create new investment and jobs is no surprise to those whose job it is to grow and attract jobs to communities around the state.

“The most important thing for decision-makers to think about when looking at tax credits is whether this will affect our competitiveness with surrounding states,” said Brent Kisling, chairman of the Oklahoma Economic Development Council and the Executive Director of the Enid Regional Development Alliance. “After a decade in the economic development field, I know jobs and capital investment are essential to making sure we have the resources needed for all aspects of government.”