Oklahomans Don't Want Taxes Raised on Drilling

Oklahomans Don't Want Taxes Raised on Drilling

Oklahomans Don't Want Taxes Raised on Drilling

Survey shows vast majority think tax is at proper level

Oklahoma City (April 22, 2014) – State Chamber President & CEO Fred Morgan made the following statement following the release of the latest Sooner Survey asking Oklahomans their opinion on Gross Production Tax levels:

“The Sooner Survey results show the vast majority of Oklahomans support the same position as the State Chamber that current oil and gas tax rates are leading to investment in drilling and should not be raised. A recent study of the oil and gas industry by RegionTrack shows raising the tax will hurt the state's economy, especially in rural areas where drilling and royalty payments are driving economic growth. Voters are telling lawmakers to stand by their promise to not raise taxes on businesses. Better to prioritize spending record revenues than burden one of the leading economic engines in the state.”
