Oil and Gas Drilling Bill Protects Municipalities and the Industry

Oil and Gas Drilling Bill Protects Municipalities and the Industry

Oil and Gas Drilling Bill Protects Municipalities and the Industry

Arnella Karges, Vice President of Government Affairs PhotoBill ensures municipal concerns and industry needs are both addressed

Oklahoma City (March 11, 2015) – A bill to ensure that one of the industries driving the state’s economy is not hurt by a patchwork of ordinances passed the House today. HB 2178 by Speaker Jeff Hickman and Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman would place in statute that most regulations on oil and gas operations are the jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The bill also allows municipalities to establish reasonable setbacks provided they don’t effectively prohibit drilling operations.

“This is a great example of all sides coming together to make sure that the needs of industry and the public are both addressed,” said State Chamber Vice President of Government Affairs Arnella Karges. “Enacting bans on drilling sends the wrong message, but we understand concerns about public safety and this bill helps all sides.”

When cities around the country started banning drilling activity, the State Chamber heard from members that this would not be good policy so we sought to find a solution to the problem. We would like to commend the oil and gas industry, municipal leaders, Speaker Hickman and President Pro Tem Bingman for coming together and finding a solution that meets everyone’s needs.
