OEWI Executive Director Responds to Re-Issue of NCLB Waiver

OEWI Executive Director Responds to Re-Issue of NCLB Waiver

OEWI Executive Director Responds to Re-Issue of NCLB Waiver


Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative LogoOklahoma City (November 24, 2014) – Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative Executive Director Jennifer Monies released the following statement following the announcement that Oklahoma’s waiver from federal No Child Left Behind mandates has been reinstated:
“While it is good news that schools will have more flexibility on how to spend some federal education dollars, today’s announcement doesn’t change the need for more rigorous education standards in Oklahoma.“Making sure that every child is ready for college or a career upon completion of high school is the best way to plan for Oklahoma’s economic future. We need to challenge our students to exceed expectations and goals. Settling for the bare minimum requirements is not in the best interest of our students or their future. I am confident Oklahoma students can and will rise to any challenge put before them.

“As Oklahoma starts the standards writing process, the business community stands ready and willing to help so that our education system aligns with our state’s current and future workforce needs. As the process moves forward, I urge the Legislature to set politics aside in order to keep high expectations at the heart of such a critical issue.”


About the Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative

The Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative seeks to engage business leaders in the development of education policies that will match our K-12 education system to the needs of tomorrow’s workforce. It works alongside the State Chamber of Oklahoma and many other nonprofits who all know the future prosperity of Oklahoma’s economy depends upon the development of today’s students.