OEWI Executive Director Comments on Passage of A-F School Accountability System

OEWI Executive Director Comments on Passage of A-F School Accountability System

Oklahoma City (April 28, 2017) – Today Gov. Mary Fallin signed House Bill 1693 into law, which reforms Oklahoma’s A-F school accountability system. Jennifer Monies, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative, served on the State Department of Education’s Oklahoma Assessment and Accountability Task Force that studied and considered changes to both the state assessments and accountability system last fall.

“Accountability for educational outcomes in our state is a responsibility we all bear. Knowing how our schools are performing—and using that data to drive investments and plans for improvement—is essential,” said Monies. “House Bill 1693 will provide easy-to-follow information to parents and students and help Oklahomans better understand how their local schools are performing.”

“House Bill 1693 is the result of careful thought and consideration to improve this metric and give a clearer picture of school and student performance. The new system will shine a light on each school’s strengths and highlight areas where improvement is needed. The focus will be on growing each individual student each year. This legislation will allow for meaningful differentiation between schools to drive improvement for all. I am confident House Bill 1693 will lead to greater education outcomes for all Oklahoma students.”

About the Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative

The Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative, a partner of the State Chamber, seeks to engage business leaders in the development of education policies that will match our K-12 education system to the needs of tomorrow’s workforce.