New Lawmakers Learn About Business Issues

New Lawmakers Learn About Business Issues

New Lawmakers Learn About Business Issues

State Chamber hosts New Legislator Business Boot Camp to help with transition to elected office

Oklahoma City (January 6, 2015) –  Continuing a program started in 2011, the State Chamber of Oklahoma invited all newly elected members of the Senate and House to a half-day information session on business issues. Attendees heard from panels of business leaders on topics ranging from small businesses and manufacturing to judicial reform and economic development programs.
“No one is an expert on every topic, so we like to help new lawmakers become acquainted with some of the issues that business owners in their districts care about,” said State Chamber President and CEO Fred Morgan. “It’s also an opportunity for these new Senators and Representatives to meet with business leaders before the hectic days of the legislative session.”
More than half of the first-time legislators attended the Business Boot Camp. The talk included the process by which committees of State Chamber members develop the legislative agenda which can lead to endorsing or opposing a bill.
“We would much rather work with a lawmaker on making a bill better than coming out in opposition,” said Morgan. “At the end of the day, we just want to make sure that the regulatory and tax burden on businesses isn’t increased so that Oklahoma can enjoy continued economic success.
