Morgan: Elections matter (The Journal Record Monthly Column - April 2014)

Morgan: Elections matter (The Journal Record Monthly Column - April 2014)

Morgan: Elections matter (The Journal Record Monthly Column - April 2014)

Fred Morgan, President and CEO photoEvery two years, hundreds of people show up at the state Capitol to take the ultimate step in democracy: filing to run for elective office.

As someone who has taken that step many times myself, I can tell you it is a challenging, humbling and inspiring process. Each candidate thinks he or she is the best person for the job.

It is up to us, as business-minded voters, to determine which candidate is best-suited for each position. We need to be informed, ask questions and then choose the person who will work to make Oklahoma the best state in the country for business. Do they support policies that will allow businesses to thrive and add more jobs? Where does the candidate stand on rigorous education standards? How would they vote on pension reforms?

The Oklahoma Prosperity Project is a tool the State Chamber uses to let employers and employees know where candidates stand on issues through a questionnaire given to everyone seeking office on the state level. We feel that this is the best way of knowing which candidates have the interests of employers and employees in mind.

But once the candidates answer the questions, it is still up to us to take action. The business community needs to be engaged in the process. Polling shows the number one priority for Oklahomans is jobs and the economy.

Unfortunately, voter turnout and engagement remain very low, especially in primary elections. Often, the election of your representative in government is decided in the primary. These are the lawmakers who will be making important decisions on whether the energy industry is stifled or grows, whether job creators can focus on their businesses or deal with yet more burdensome regulations and whether Oklahoma’s future includes more pension debt or a modern retirement system for state employees.

Those who care about a robust Oklahoma economy need to vote in primary elections on June 24. We can’t wait until November to get involved; it has to start now.

Talk with the candidates. Reach out to them with your concerns. Let them know that the business community will do everything it can to elect lawmakers who will work to grow jobs and improve the state’s economic outlook. We must maintain the positive momentum Oklahoma is experiencing. Our future and your job may depend on it.

Fred Morgan is president and CEO of The State Chamber of Oklahoma.