Morgan: Chamber stays engaged (The Journal Record Monthly Column - November 2014

Morgan: Chamber stays engaged (The Journal Record Monthly Column - November 2014

Morgan: Chamber stays engaged (The Journal Record Monthly Column - November 2014

Fred Morgan, President and CEO

Election Day has passed. Signs are coming down and we are free from political ads for a while. As the voice of business at the state Capitol, the State Chamber of Oklahoma doesn’t just follow the election returns from afar. We are at the forefront of getting pro-business candidates elected because we know that the best policy ideas in the world don’t matter if elected officials aren’t there to make them a reality.

The State Chamber is very upfront and open about endorsing candidates. We work hard to ensure they are supportive of policies that will take our state to the next level economically. We let the press know, post it on our website and put our name or logo on any campaign materials that are sent out before the election. We are very proud that out of the 86 endorsements we made in primary, runoff and general elections, 75 were successful. It’s our hope that these good men and women will have the continuation of our state’s remarkable economic success on their minds as they write and vote on bills next session. Oklahoma, with its low unemployment rate, booming oil and gas industry and positive economic climate, is envied by most other states. Jobs and the economy are still the top priority of voters.

The business community’s engagement in the legislative process has helped move Oklahoma forward with reforms to workers’ compensation, public pensions and our legal system. Oklahoma’s economy is growing and that is creating more jobs and bringing record revenues into the state treasury. Continuing that trend requires lawmakers who understand the need for investment in critical areas like infrastructure, workforce development and effective tax policies.

Standard & Poor’s is predicting Oklahoma will be a leader in economic growth for 2015. We believe that with the leadership in place at the state Capitol, that prediction can come true. In the coming months, the chamber will release its legislative agenda as approved by the board of directors. We look forward to working with this new class of lawmakers on passing a pro-growth agenda that will keep Oklahoma at the leading edge of creating high-paying jobs. It is critically important that business owners, as our state’s job creators, stay engaged in the legislative process by voicing their concerns to our elected representatives.

Fred Morgan is president and CEO of The State Chamber of Oklahoma.