Local Leaders Named Guardians of Free Enterprise by State Chamber of Oklahoma

Local Leaders Named Guardians of Free Enterprise by State Chamber of Oklahoma

Local Leaders Named Guardians of Free Enterprise by State Chamber of Oklahoma

The awards were presented at the State Chamber’s Annual Public Affairs Forum

Oklahoma City (December 2, 2016) –  Local political leaders were singled out at the State Chamber of Oklahoma’s Public Affairs Forum on Thursday to receive awards for their commitment to business in the state of Oklahoma. Senator Dan Newberry, Senator Kim David, Representative Mark McCullough and Representative Glen Mulready were presented with the Guardian of Free Enterprise award.

“Each recipient has gone above and beyond their commitment to free enterprise in the state of Oklahoma and they deserved to recognized,” said Fred Morgan, President and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma. 

While each recipient was presented the award for their commitment to Oklahoma’s free enterprise, they were individually recognized for their endeavors in different areas.

Representative Glen Mulready fought to keep down the cost of providing quality insurance to working Oklahomans and has been a strong advocate for innovation and free market ideals in the insurance markets. In addition to having the courage to stop bad bills, he works with authors to improve legislative ideas to ensure there is no negative impact on the business community.

Representative Mark McCullough has long been an advocate for an administrative workers’ compensation system and has worked tirelessly to lay the groundwork and to promote the ongoing success of the recent workers’ compensation reforms. His decision to not run for reelection will remove one of the strongest voices for legal reforms in the House of Representatives.  

Senator Dan Newberry provided great leadership in his position as Chair of the Senate committee on Business and Commerce. He protected Oklahoma jobs from bills that would create unnecessary regulations and promoted the passage of bills that make it easier for Oklahoma employers to create jobs for the families of our state.

Senator Kim David was a strong advocate for the business community this year and a stalwart defender of the value of providing businesses a stable tax structure even during tough budget years. She worked hard to defend against attacks on valuable economic development programs and is constantly searching for ways to improve the services provided through the Oklahoma Medicaid program.