Judicial Nominating Commission Reform Bill Passes House

Judicial Nominating Commission Reform Bill Passes House

Judicial Nominating Commission Reform Bill Passes House

House Bill 3162 an important step towards accountability in how judges are selected

Oklahoma City (March 3, 2016) – Today’s passage of House Bill 3162 represents an important step forward in the cause of judicial reform in Oklahoma. The bill by Speaker Jeffrey Hickman gives the governor more choice in selecting appellate judges while maintaining the Judicial Nominating Commission’s role in providing input on the best choices.

“The State Chamber has called for more accountability in how our appellate judges are selected for years,” said State Chamber President & CEO Fred Morgan. “This measure ensures that an unelected body meeting behind closed doors doesn’t have undue influence over the third, co-equal branch of government.”

Under current law, the Judicial Nominating Commission selects three applicants for an open position and gives those names to the governor who must select one of the three. Under the provisions of HB 3162, the JNC submits all of the applicants’ names to the governor, along with a ranking of the merits of each candidate. The governor can then select any of the names on the list.

“This is a big step forward in the name of transparency in our judicial system,” said Morgan. “Speaker Hickman is to be commended for his years of dedication to the cause and for guiding this measure through the process.”

The bill now goes over to the Senate for consideration.