Inaugural "Oklahoma Conversations" Event Features Three U.S. Senators


Inaugural "Oklahoma Conversations" Event Features Three U.S. Senators

Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas joins Oklahoma’s Senators to talk about how federal regulations impact businesses

Oklahoma City (September 26, 2014) – The burden of federal regulations on business was a common theme at today’s inaugural Oklahoma Conversations event presented by IBC Bank. The crowd at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City heard from three U.S. Senators who are trying to lead the fight against federal overreach because of its effect on economic growth and jobs.
The event featured National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) and Oklahoma’s two Republican senators, Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn. In a conversation moderated by State Chamber of Oklahoma President & CEO Fred Morgan, the three Senators talked about regulations like the Dodd-Frank Act and how it is hurting community banks. Moran and Coburn both sit on the Senate Banking Committee.

Moran also talked about his effort as head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee to return the U.S. Senate to a Republican majority in the November election. Republicans would need to increase their caucus by six seats in order to become the majority party.

Today’s event is the first in what will be a series according to Bill Schonacher, President & CEO of IBC Bank’s Oklahoma operations. “At IBC, we subscribe to the old saying, ‘Get involved in the political process or be governed by those who do,’” Schonacher said. “So, we designed the Oklahoma Conversations series to complement our annual trip to DC and it achieves that goal by getting elected leaders from outside of Oklahoma to come to our part of the world to discuss our issues on our home turf.”
