Important Product Liability Reform Bill Passes

Important Product Liability Reform Bill Passes

Important Product Liability Reform Bill Passes

Manufacturers and innocent sellers to get protection

Oklahoma City (April 24, 2014) – The Senate passed a bill today that would shore up the state’s product liability laws. House Bill 3365 by Representative Jon Echols and Senator Kyle Loveless protects innocent sellers of products from liability if they are simply selling a product manufactured by someone else. It also gives a rebuttable presumption against liability when a product is manufactured to meet mandated federal laws or regulations.
“This bill provides common sense to Oklahoma’s liability laws,” said State Chamber Senior Vice President of Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning Mike Seney. “House Bill 3365 came about because State Chamber members raised important concerns with our current legal system and we worked with them and the legislative authors to come up with this common sense solution.”

The State Chamber wishes to thank Senator Loveless and Representative Echols for their hard work on the bill. HB 3365 passed the Senate by a 34-8 vote and now heads to the governor’s desk for her signature.
