Governor Made Right Decision to Veto Watered-Down Reading Requirements

Governor Made Right Decision to Veto Watered-Down Reading Requirements

Governor Made Right Decision to Veto Watered-Down Reading Requirements

Oklahoma Governor Mary FallinThird grade reading requirement is crucial part of improving Oklahoma’s education system

Oklahoma City (May 20, 2014) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma commends Governor Mary Fallin for taking a tough stance on keeping education reforms passed by a previous Republican legislature. Her action reaffirms the importance of making sure students can read at grade level in order to be promoted from third grade to fourth grade. 

“Learning to read is the most important determination of a child’s future education,” said State Chamber President & CEO Fred Morgan. “If we want students to become proficient in critical areas like science, technology, engineering and math, we can’t continue to move them through the system without making sure they can read and understand the material.”

State Chamber members adopted an agenda that includes protecting education reforms designed to enhance student growth, learning and proficiencies needed to ensure students are college and career ready. House Bill 2625 goes against that agenda by watering down the Reading Sufficiency Act.

“When faced with the reality that a percentage of third grade students can’t read at grade level, the response should not be to reduce the standard so more can be promoted,” said Morgan. “Instead, the response should be to come together as a state and do what is necessary to ensure our third graders can read.”