Federal Education Waiver Loss Shows need for Rigorous Standards

Federal Education Waiver Loss Shows need for Rigorous Standards

Federal Education Waiver Loss Shows need for Rigorous Standards

Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative LogoOklahoma City (August 28, 2014) – Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative Executive Director Jennifer Monies released the following statement following the loss of the state’s waiver to federal No Child Left Behind mandates:

“We hope that the U.S. Department of Education’s decision today to revoke our state’s No Child Left Behind waiver serves a wakeup call to all Oklahomans. Our state’s education system is failing many of our students and the status quo cannot continue. We must put in place rigorous, ambitious standards that encourage our students to exceed expectations and make sure they are ready for college or their career."
“Common Core, and education reform in general, has become highly politicized and our students are the ones suffering from the fallout. We must put aside our differences and work to craft the best standards in the nation and ensure every student in Oklahoma has access to a quality education. Hopefully, the loss of our waiver will be the catalyst for change that is desperately needed in our state.”
