Charter School Expansion to Bring Choice to More Parents

Charter School Expansion to Bring Choice to More Parents

Charter School Expansion to Bring Choice to More Parents

Bill will give 75 other counties same options as Oklahoma and Tulsa counties

Oklahoma City (April 24, 2015) – With Governor Mary Fallin signing Senate bill 782 into law today, a new era of school choice has begun for Oklahoma. The bill by Sen. Clark Jolley and Rep. Lee Denney lifts the restriction that keeps charter schools confined to Oklahoma and Tulsa counties and also brings more accountability to all charter schools in the state.

“There is no doubt that expanding school choice and bringing more accountability to the state's charter schools are vital to improving Oklahoma's education system,” said State Chamber Vice President of Government Affairs Jennifer Lepard. “When more parents in the state have increased education options for their children, the result will be more students prepared for a career or college when they graduate.”

In addition to expanding charter schools statewide, the bill also increases accountability for all charter schools, making it difficult for a charter school to continue to operate if it fell within the bottom five percent of schools by school grade.“The future of Oklahoma’s economy depends on today’s students, so we need an education system that helps every student find the career path that leads them to their dream job,” said Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative Executive Director Jennifer Monies. “Expanding charter schools to every county in the state allows more parents to have education choices that fit the needs of their children.”

The State Chamber commends Senator Jolley and Representative Denney for carrying the bill through the process, leadership in the Senate and House for championing the bill and Governor Fallin for signing this important reform into law.
