Bloomberg Politics Editor Speaks to Oklahoma Business Community

Bloomberg Politics Editor Speaks to Oklahoma Business Community

Bloomberg Politics Editor Speaks to Oklahoma Business Community

Mark Halperin Gives Keynote Address at State Chamber of Oklahoma’s Public Affairs Forum

Oklahoma City (December 1, 2016) – The State Chamber of Oklahoma hosted its annual Public Affairs Forum today giving members and attendees access to thought leaders in the state. The event featured a keynote address from Mark Halperin, entitled “Today in Politics and the Impact of the 2016 Presidential Election.” In addition, there was a legislative leaders panel, moderated by Jim Dunlap, that provided insight into the 2017 legislative session. 

Mark Halperin, Bloomberg Politics Managing Editor, addressed a crowd of over 500 people in his keynote speech. Halperin closed the annual event which also included a legislative panel discussion and awards presentation.

“The challenges we face right now that need to be addressed in Washington need to be done and can only be done in a non-partisan way” said Halperin, in his speech about the 2016 election. “In addition, it is always great to be back in Oklahoma.”

The panel featured Senate President Pro Tempore Designate Mike Schulz, Senate Democratic Leader John Sparks, Speaker of the House Designate Charles McCall and House Democratic Leader Scott Inman. The panel discussed their caucus agendas for the upcoming session and provided insight into the issues the newly formed 56th legislature will face.

“We are grateful to be able to offer our members and attendees access to these leaders,” said Fred Morgan, President and CEO of the State Chamber. “Their dedication to the state never goes unnoticed and it is important to engage them in our discussions on how to further business priorities in Oklahoma.” 

Four members of the legislature were singled out to receive awards from the State Chamber for their service and commitment to Oklahoma businesses. Those honored with the 2016 Guardian of Free Enterprise award include: Senator Kim David, Senator Dan Newberry, Representative Mark McCullough and Representative Glen Mulready.