Bill Protects Oklahoma's Energy Leadership

Bill Protects Oklahoma's Energy Leadership

Bill Protects Oklahoma's Energy Leadership

Municipal concerns and industry needs are both addressed with bill protecting drilling practices

Oklahoma City (April 22, 2015) – A measure aimed at protecting Oklahoma’s leadership role in the energy sector is one step away from heading to Governor Fallin for her signature. Senate Bill 809 by Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman and House Speaker Jeff Hickman ensures that oil and gas drilling activity isn’t hindered by a patchwork of local ordinances. It puts the Oklahoma Corporation Commission in charge of most regulations on oil and gas while allowing municipalities to establish reasonable setbacks provided they don’t effectively prohibit drilling operations.

“We’ve seen what happened in places like Denton, Texas, which enacted ordinances banning certain activities within city limits and sent the wrong message to a vital industry,” said State Chamber Vice President of Government Affairs Arnella Karges. “We understand concerns about public safety and this bill provides those protections at the local level while also ensuring that one of the state’s key economic pillars can continue to use the modern techniques that have kept Oklahoma moving forward.”

With passage by the House today, SB 809 goes back to the Senate for consideration of House amendments including protection of Oklahoma’s participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. If the Senate approves those amendments, the bill will go to the governor for her signature. The State Chamber commends President Pro Tem Bingman and Speaker Hickman for bringing both sides together and finding a solution that meets everyone’s needs.
