Bill to Make end of Instruction Testing Relevant Passes Senate

Bill to Make end of Instruction Testing Relevant Passes Senate

Bill to Make end of Instruction Testing Relevant Passes Senate

SB 707 will save money, help students at the same time

Oklahoma City (March 9, 2015) – A bill designed to streamline the end of instruction (EOI) testing process in Oklahoma schools passed the Senate today. SB 707 by Senator John Ford and Representative Lee Denney would increase options for effective testing at a lower cost to the state.

“It’s important that we know students are ready for college or a career after high school, but the current system is time consuming and colleges don’t consider EOI scores for admission,” said State Chamber Vice President of Government Affairs Jennifer Lepard. “This bill not only provides more time in the classroom, it saves the state millions of dollars in testing costs.”

The State Department of Education estimates that this bill would save more than five million dollars in testing costs. At the same time, it ensures that students are ready for their life after high school.

“Our students need to graduate high school with a variety of post-secondary opportunities available to help them secure their dream job,” said Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative Executive Director Jennifer Monies. “We believe that with strong accountability, our students will rise to the challenge, but it is critical that we test what counts.”
SB 707 is supported by a number of education and business organizations including:

Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber
Oklahoma Business and Education Council
Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative
Oklahoma State School Boards Association
Oklahoma Education Association
Oklahoma PTA
Oklahoma Public School Resource Center
Stand for Children
State Chamber of Oklahoma
Tulsa Regional Chamber
United Suburban Schools Association
